Yes to the incredibly contagious virus, no to the ‘targeting,’ but I think I get the gist of what you’re saying.
If one person has the virus, asymptomatically or otherwise, and comes in close contact with another person, chances are that the virus will transmit regardless if you’re standing in Times Square or in a Nebraska cornfield.
I don’t want to make this a ‘Kentucky’ thing, it was more a matter of addressing your comment directly, so I do apologize for the offense.
For the most part, governors across the US have implemented the same measures, it’s all a matter of whether or not the constituency decides to follow it. I’m on Long Island, pretty much ground zero for the east coast outbreak, and it got scary for awhile. April and May were terrible. But, for the most part, people followed the guidelines and the curve was flattened. There are the occasional rat lickers who pop up here and there, and more often than not, they either get it themselves or know someone who gets it so they shut up pretty quick when that happens (Chuck Woollery would be a prime example).
Regarding the question “can I say the same?”...absolutely 100% a million times yes. I work in heavy construction and we are required to wear some sort of face covering (I wear a minimum of a KN95 face mask), I wear that mask almost 8 hours a day, I make sure I don’t get within 6’ of anyone if I can help it, I wash my hands frequently, and my truck is stocked with Lysol wipes, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. My family hasn’t eaten a sit-down meal in a restaurant since February, though we frequently take out from restaurants to support local business and we really only go out to the grocery store (and always masked up).
Here’s the thing about the guidelines: is it really that much to ask? Mask, social distancing, hand washing? I’ve said this a million times, but one more time won’t hurt: the guidelines might not do anything, but do you know what I know does nothing? Doing nothing. The sacrifice asked of us is no sacrifice at all if that’s all it is.
It might be easy to dismiss science based on someone who’s into Korean culture, but unless they’re published in a scientific journal and had their research peer reviewed, I’d consider their findings with a raised eyebrow.
In the meantime, I’ll follow the recommended guidelines and hope that the rest of the rat lickers wake up and do the same until a vaccine or a cure can be found. It really isn’t asking much.