There are exceptions with every bug that goes around. The elderly and people with underlying immune deficiences are more at risk, of course. Children in general have an extremely low rate of suffering any symptoms. But I had the virus back in February, and was far less sick with it than the flu of the year before (and I do have pre-existing health issues). It gave me a slight fever, achy joints and an itchy throat, and I recovered in three days. I self-quarantined of course, just as I had when I had the flu. But it certainly wasn't anything as devastating as the media popularly promotes.
This attempt to portray covid-19 as the modern black plague is only a way to scare people into subservience. Fear is a tool historically used by dictators to turn their public into sheep. Our elites perfectly know this, as seen by the multitude of their hypocrisies, e.g.: Pelosi's maskless hair salon visit, Fauci talking with friends at the ball game without a mask, Chris Cuomo going outside without social distancing or a mask when he was allegedly isolating in his basement. We have seen these elites label folks gathering for religious meetings and motorcycle rallies as "super spreaders", and then give their blessings to anarchists gathering to burn cities.
It makes them angry to know common people see through their hypocrisy, but we do. As incessant as their little stooges of propaganda try to convince us otherwise, the lies aren't working. Too many of us understand the agenda to convince us into giving up liberties and to live in frightened compliance. We are fed up with it, and no amount of social scolding from online stooges like you will turn us into obedient sheep.