He ventures into the Politics stream on rare occasions soley to pester someone then runs back here to post memes asking for others to harrass, downvote, even come up with alts to bother them as if he was the victim.
He already spammed me with an alt earlier this week. This was after I started ignoring the insect, or rather, BECAUSE I ignored him, as his MO is so like stalker Justine I figured they were one and the same.
Sound familiar? It's like DJFox on crack.
He deleted most of the memes today in a bid for me to not do as he keeps asking me to do, and we all know I aim to please. Sheesh, that was the reason I made this profile in the first place. Well I'm going to be his new BFF till the end.
He's also posted memes trying to rally the forces against a massive "toxic homohobe 4Chan" invasion force targetting LGBTQs on this site that no one - including his pals commenting on the memes - has ever heard of other than him.
This is the creepy bugger's 3rd profile in a month on account of deleting the other 2 after getting busted on posting fake reveals of pro female models - the 1st Caucasion and the last 2 Asian. Yes, not only does he claim to be transexual, but transracial as well!
You can't make this shit up!