The problem here is facts.
The color coding thing didn't start until 1976. Where they did use Blue for Republicans and Red for Democrats. On NBC. Because the policy was Blue for incumbents. On ABC they used Yellow for Republicans and Blue for Democrats.
Which, of course, means the Republicans are cowards. Because yellow is the color of cowards. Right? That's how this works, isn't it? Color has some secret character defining trait, right?
It was in 1986 that CBS switched to Red for Republicans and Blue for Democrats. NBC didn't switch until 1996. And even then, it was their policy to use blue for the incumbent party, not the Democrats. So, in 1996 the blue was for the incumbent party. Which happened to be the Democrats.
It wasn't until 2000 that the news outlets adopted a uniform color system to make reader/viewer comprehension faster due to the election problems.
So, it was due to an uncertain election involving GW Bush and Al Gore that lead to the coloring system we have now. Not any "secret coverup of communism!"
Pull your head out of your butt, do some actual reading, and you will know more about this great country than all of your peers.