And as we all now, chloroquine was not the solution, on the contrary. Which was hinted early enough, but Mr. Iknowitallbetterthantheexperts...
The major problem with the likes of you is your unwillngness to accept facts. Like, masks DO contribute to slow down the spreading of the virus - no one stated that they were the sole solution but a part of measures, like lockdowns, washing your hands frequently, keeping a minimum distance to other people...
And in which way does wearing a mask interferes with your freedom? Basically, the only thing affected is your personal comfort but this is no reason to endanger the lives of others. I do admit that I don't like to wear a mask, but as long as there is no other simple and safe method to slow down the spreading rates, I place my personal comfort behind the rights of others not becoming infected with a virus of which we know only very little at this moment.