Done. 1. Hunter Biden is low on cash from his paternity suit so he needs another draw from Burisma Holdings, Ukraine and from the Chinese cash cow Joe set him up with, only this time he'll fly to China with Daddy on AF1. 2. Jim BIden- Joe's brother who never built a thing in his life, would like another gravy government contract to build housing in Iraq so he doesn't have to get a real job. 3. Jill Biden needs to cash out again doing ad buys for Joe's campaign, the last $1.5 million is about gone. 4, Joe can get his wish of ending the Racial Jungle in education by reinstating his mandatory sentencing law and trashing Trumps Second Chance Law that let minorities sentenced to life for petty offenses get out of prison. 5. Joe will restore the free flow of illegal aliens across the border so our Latino and Black populations can get back to the 15% unemployment of the good ol' Obama days. Plus a bonus-6. We'll all become Marxists and suddenly global warming will go away, and so will COVID-19 and so will everything you own. (That's just Joe Marxists life)