(begin part 2) (I guess posts can only be so long)
tRUMPf is the one that bullies and uses nasty nicknames
WW2 ended in 1917 with a pandemic
Airports daring the revolutionary war
Inject Lysol
Buy Greenland
More than 250 of his associates and staff have been fired, indicted, or imprisoned.
Shall I keep going? Do you have enough? Now go ahead and tell me why tRUMPf should be President.
I hate Biden but right now I would vote for a rabid skunk over tRUMPf. He is the single greatest enemy the US has ever had. He sews hatred, violence, and worst of all, division among Americans. rest in peace GoP. the Republican party is DEAD. Welcome to the tRUMPf part based on authoritarian fascism.
Now he wants to get a 3rd term, and all his low-IQ brain dead sheep Fox watching drones just want to lick his rectum clean.
You are disgusting and pathetic.