You mean a group that has 98% of their protests be peaceful encounters with no problems? But media outlets cover the juicy stuff & people like you then think that is all of the things.
Each BLM protest aside from a Wendy's burning down had AntiFA Actors in BLM garb, that did what AntiFA does - loot and destroy. They did this to encite mob mentality tactics. The media just happened to be in these cities and cover these items.
AntiFA is the big problem at the protests & the domestic terrorist group you're talking about. The same ones that infiltrated the Capitol attack to make Trump Supporters look bad.
This is coming from a researching Trump Supporter too - who isnt as narrow minded as you.
You do make some good points about the past. So which is it? We shouldn't remember the past or we should? You're saying we should remember the past and recall that Biden made a crap item - or that Harris is a descendant of slave traders...
But BLM should forget years of problems that have taken years to conquer?
If you want BLM to forget the past - then don't use the past in your argument.