That's a really good question. I'll answer as best I can.
If you're aware that it's wrong and plan to do it anyway, I think it's possible that it could still be a mortal sin even if it doesn't bug your conscience. I've been in a similar situation where I was a told what I was doing was wrong, but it didn't really feel wrong to my conscience, but I knew logically in my head it was. Since I don't know the exact sin and situation, I can't say for sure, but to play it safe, my advice would be to go to confession before you receive Communion again, and while you're there you can ask the priest for clarification. He'll be happy to help, and he'll probably give you a better answer than mine. If you can't go to confession before your next Mass, and this is still bugging you, you can always just not get Communion just in case. Most people today aren't taught to abstain from Communion when not in a state of grace, and it can be really intimidating when everyone else is getting it and it feels like you're the only Catholic not receiving, but if you think you've committed a mortal sin, waiting a week for confession is always an option. Believe me, I know from experience how hard it is to not receive, but I've found it feels better than also having to worry about whether or not the Communion I would have just taken was sacrilegious. (Just to be clear, don't overthink this so much that you're constantly afraid of not being worthy to receive. Receive as often as you can, absolutely, but if you're sure or almost positive you're not in a state of grace then it's usually just better to go to confession first.)
Hope that wasn't all too confusing. I'd be happy to clarify anything or answer anything further if need be. Thanks for your question, and I hope this helps! God bless!