Not sure if this breaks the rules of Imgflip, but since this isn't just one time, I thought I had a moral imperative to respond to the entire community. Or at least, those who occupy the Politics page. I'm fully prepared for the consequences as I think a break from Imgflip is sorely needed if the Politics section would rather attack individuals than debate isssues.
I've never supported socialism. Defined it as different than communism? Absolutely. Said I support some social programs, namely for the sick, the elderly, and veterans? Yep. But I have never found the idea of a social economy a good idea.
In fact, many Trump Supporters actually niavely supported Andrew Yang, an up and coming Democrat running for President and either actually supported him or trollishly hoped he'd win the nomination so that they could realistically paint Democrats as filthy socialists. I think most people who are against Socialism breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he dropped out of the race.
This is a lovely little snippet of a comment I made in PoliticsToo almost a year ago. Dr.Strangememe loves to post this to people who, inevitably argue with me and then suddenly delete. Whom I suspect are probably Strangememe's own alts as he tends to reply to them moments after they delete. I can't prove this, of course. Only that it's happened about 2 or 3 times.
Strange, eh?