I have told Ship-Shap to cool it particularly in relationship to his war with a memer who named himself after a tank and has changed his name a few times since.
I made efforts to be on cordial terms with them both. I called strongly for them to end their war in the first IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS election and shortly thereafter they announced they had.
However, I recently found out that the tank kid had subsequently made a RoddyRicchSUCKS stream and was filling it with hateful content that appeared to be about the rapper but whose true target was another memer on this site. Wonder where he got that idea?
The tank kid self-deleted it after Ship-Shap called him out on it, though. So he is perhaps not as deeply hateful as the KylieSUCKS crew and still open to reason.
As for whether Ship-Shap’s rude to others: well, I agree he is. But I’m not responsible for it. Just as you might say the same about Syd’s or Vagabond’s ongoing rudeness to memers they disagree with on a daily basis.
I have actually made efforts to restrain him though while all I’ve seen you do is encourage and egg on your friends.
As for calling kids “fake suicides,” I’ve seen you say basically the same in some of your commentary about kids. So don’t throw stones in a glass house. But he’s a teenager and you’re an adult of whatever age with children of your own.
I’ve also seen this tank kid get sucked in by KylieSUCKS hateful garbage as well. He is a Republican after all and it’s not unusual that he looks up to the example set by older Republicans.
It’s not just “bad photoshops,” it’s calling a woman a s**t and a druggie over and over and over again over a period of not SH for no good reason and with no basis in reality. The purpose appears to be intimidation, and if not that’s certainly the effect it has.
If you can’t see how that creates a hostile environment for girls and boys on this site I think you need to get your moral compass checked.