If you want to go there, Trump has probably received more open death threats, even from big public figures, then any president in living memory. Stop playing it like political slander/accusations doesn't occur on both sides.
Well, Hillary clearly deleted 30,000 emails under subpoena while using an illegal private server to send classified info. Cuz she didn't know how classified info was marked LMAO. So there's that. Of course you'll brush that off.
I think Obama and Biden were implicated in buying phony intel to open an investigation into a presidental candidate and trying to subvert a fair election. Comey lied under oath. All things you ignore while frothing about impeachment over Ukraine. But jailed? In Washington? Haha None of these people will see jail.
His right of innocence was never questioned. That doesn't permit one to resist arrest and think you won't be detained. Unfortunately with the stress and lethal overdose, he had heart failure. You can argue the cop could have taken the knee off eariler but he was dead regardless. You haven't even proven he was dead before the knee was lifted. It's not as cut and dry as you make it appear, yet you think it justifies looting, burning, rioting and murder.