Proof? You ask me for proof? Which rock have you been lying under? Basically all news channels that are not called "Fox News" provided this proof, and that is not limited to U.S. sources.
And by calling me a crybaby you accuse me of what you are doing to me right now... Calling people names. Of course being called a crybaby by somebody who only believes lies, basically means you are saying I am a very extremely great person who is even more holy than God himself.... That is too much honor for me, as I cannot even dream to attain that level of supremacy, like no mortal can, so don't put me on that place... It's embarrassing.
And I am not calling anybody names. Attacking democrat politicians telling them to "go to their own country" in which he bases himself on their racial features, already tells me a lot (and he should have given the right example then by packing his backs and moving to Germany as that is where his roots lie). And that is just the tip of the iceberg, but my character limit doesn't allow me to link to all proves. As a matter of fact, I doubt your browser can take that much of links and I've better things to do than to look up all those links. There's over 20 exabytes at least of proves on the internet now (not counting non U.S. sources as then it would be more)... Okay, perhaps that's overstating, but when it comes to overstatements Trump can still beat me heads over feet.
It's not my fault you reject reality and substitute your own... But since you are not Adam Savage, you won't get away with it.