Yes...and no. Yes, racism exists - yes, it is still a thing. Now my turn.
Have you ever been warned of a Tornado? Weather alerts, news on TV and Radio - advances in meteorology that tell people its coming? Having heard those before - would you deny the existence of these systems?
So far as a country - we have done the following:
1. Ended slavery
2. Ended segregation
3. Created employment hiring laws that encourage employers to hire minorities
4. Created an ENTIRE group dedicated to the advancement of colored persons
5. Created an easy to follow immigration standard to encourage people of other cultures to migrate to America and support diversification
6. Cracked down on the KKK to the point they are an ineffective organization (compare NAACP supporters to KKK supporters)
7. Have donated more money to enrich and modernize African territories than any other country in the world
8. Have created college scholarships particularly only for minority candidates - while making it illegal to make white only scholarships
9. Have provided ample public assistance programs to get minorities out of poverty via welfare programs
How much more exact opposite racist do we need to get?
Y'all need to be woke and realize the only racism that truly exists is Green or Not Green. You are either in the 1% at the top - or you're be oppressed by that 1% at the top.