That was not the question. Misinterpretation of the question.
Resisting arrest is an escalation in itself. Why the focus on firearms? Attacking with a gun is only a portion of attacks on police? What about knives and/or other implements? ( what about the attacks in Portland with lasers, fireworks, frozen water bottles, etc. ? )Many things can be used as a deadly weapon, many scenarios justify use of deadly force, even for civilians. Of the 89 (2017 stats?)officers killed, how many were cold blooded ambush murders, sitting in a patrol car or responding to a 911 call before face to face interaction?
Do you have a breakdown on the racial makeup of officers involved in killing black people?
Do you have the stats on police killing other racial groups? And the racial makeup of those officers killing other ethnic groups?
I appreciate the stats, but not what was asked.
Just trying to shed some light from one extreme to the other. If the cops are truly that bad, then people not resisting arrest should be being killed by cops. If there are no bad people, then cops should not be being ambushed.
It is not a simple question with simple answers,
I agree that too many people die. Both police and civilians. I do not have the answers.
Breonna Taylor, (2020) is one. But that is a “no knock” issue, not racial.
Not all people are bad. Not all cops are bad.
Bad people on both sides of the equation.