I think you almost have it.
In fact a 2 week blackout of all social media, news, reporting of politics for all peoples worldwide would have benefits. Some who experience anxiety may realise just where that reflexive emotion is being stimulated from and most would wonder at all the free time they now have to do whatever.
Otherwise what can one say?
Have you considered that some things are conspiracies and it's not all theory?
And that just maybe there are too many people who are unable to compromise in their positions.So they rigidly hold to their belief with no ability to see or incorporate the other side and that this is a major obstacle to getting a message through.
For example, think of the mask wearing debate.
If the science offers conflicting advice and various countries and their health systems around the world proffer evidences to suggest wearing or not wearing is beneficial or it is not. Then why is it that those who want to wear masks dont just wear their masks and those who dont wish to for their reasons stated go ahead and go without? Why try and impose one size fits all when there is clearly doubt as to any benefit beyond an individuals mental health especially if they are germophobic.
Why impose upon those who understand just what particle size is prohibited from passing through a mask? If the mask wearer is protected then what is the issue with someone who doesn't wish too wear. Call them stupid, ignorant whatever makes you feel special, superior or whatever it is that one feels when ridiculing or deriding others for not wearing the mask and the same goes for vaccinations.
The whole vaccines debate is very similar. If vaccines work then those who wish to vaccinate should do so. Those who do not wish to be vaccinated should have that choice to decline.
In both these examples, either wearing a mask or getting a vaccine works or it doesn't. If the individual who is concerned with getting infection from any pathogen choses to protect themselves in a manner which means wearing a mask or accepting a vaccine then their own self should be their only concern.
People object to others imposing their will upon them especially when their compliance is not neccesary for the other persons well being. Every adult individuals health is their own responsibility and if you have protected yourself from what you know or percieve to be harm and another persons non compliance with your actions does not affect your health then you should realise that