The problem with the BLM slogan is three-fold. It purposely leaves out other races as though they don't matter and we are to "assume" their good intentions. Second, BLM admits it is a Marxist organization. So, chanting BLM implies you support their Marxist ideology. Lastly, it reeks of racism. Imagine if there was a national movement that said, "white lives matter" and it was posted on every internet site and painted on streets. You don't think that wouldn't be racist? Racism is racism.
They should have said, "Black Lives Matter Too." I think that would have gotten all of our sympathy and understanding. Of course, black lives matter. We are all in this together, but the militant focus is offensive and offputting. The all or nothing mentality of BLM is extremist. We are a country that was built on "WE the people."