This is a very touchy and complicated issue, especially the speaking in tongues bit.
As for the Holy Spirit part, I believe that it is every bit as much living and active as in the times of the Prophets, and the Apostles, and that all the gifts of the Spirit, as described in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, are fully available to us believers today.
As for speaking in tongues, there is the complicating factors of sometimes gifts can be abused, and sometimes the counterfeit version of a gift might be given to a person by the enemy. So you really have to be careful about that. However, in it's proper form and use, speaking in tongues can both be a way of communicating with God, and also be a way of conveying a message from God to the Church (given that there's an interpreter present, of course).
However, because of said complicating factors, some Christians distance themselves away from speaking in tongues entirely, and are deeply suspicious of anyone who doesn't. And I don't blame them. However, in doing so they deprive themselves of being in further communion with God.
That's all I can say about this. Someone like UniformVictor would know more about this than me.
Ælfwine Elf-friend