Yes I was not actually referring to the Windrush Immigrants, who were invited here, and did not receive their papers for it, as I said they were invited and should of been looked after and respected same as anyone else. ..I was referring to those who came here of their own accord, as stated to escape their treatment by their Own countries and Governments..( Own People ) Looking for a better life...Many admittedly are hard working and have managed to earn a good living...But many also are same as any other people here despite colour, who have not done so..or not been able to do so .....And some unfortunates disabled like others no matter what colour...Are you insinuating that these should receive preferential treatment to other colours? Including White aka Polish etc....If the treatment here is so bad for them ..Then why are they still here and still risking their lives? and or paying a fortune to come here? I have not checked but I am going to presume you do not live in the UK,,,Which is in No way similar to the US at all...Incidentally I am in no way Racist..Or ever have been...BUT could I go to their countries and build a place of worship...Insist they ban their children from wearing religious items in schools and stop prayers etc. in their own schools etc...How dare you presume to know anything about me...or my attitude.