WHAT IS A MODERN-DAY ECLECTIC WITCH? It's all the same evil occult practices but this is a witch that pulls together witchcraft practices from a variety of different occult cultures and traditions, spell work, and rituals. From my experience in the New Age movement, before being saved, that certainly sounds like a New Age version of witchcraft. As was outlined in our study, "New Age & The Last Days Deception," those involved with New Age are in the driver's seat of man-made beliefs. Devotees are told they can pick from whatever religion they want, just making it up as they go. It's the cafeteria plan of belief systems. A follower can grab a little Buddhism, sprinkle on some Hindu practices, and then add a solid helping of psychology, followed by dashes of self-help, and even Christianity. Of course, the Christian part can’t be anything that would convict a person of their unbiblical beliefs.