Minorities do, in fact, need white people to stand up for their rights, because white people are a majority.
History provides several notable examples:
—The 13th Amendment abolishing slavery never would have passed if not for the support of white politicians: since they were far and away a majority of legislators and held the Presidency.
—The 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote never would have passed except for the support of male politicians, who were the only gender that held office at that time.
—It is too early to render a historical verdict on BLM, but the white (and other race) people who march with them follow in this same tradition.
If we all only looked after our own race/gender/whatever, it’d be a pretty miserable existence and we’d soon not have a country anymore.
It is better to recognize our shared national heritage and our common humanity, and act accordingly to ensure we’re all treated fairly under the law and with respect on a daily basis.