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Triggered Again - HAPPY 4TH

Triggered Again - HAPPY 4TH | TRIGGERED AGAIN 🤣🇺🇸; HAPPY 4TH AMERICA- #TRUMP2020 | image tagged in funny,memes,donald trump,4th of july | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
4,310 views • 60 upvotes • Made by TheUnpoliticallyCorrector 4 years ago in politics
6 ups, 4y,
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Happy Independence Day!
5 ups, 4y
TY!!! Happy Independence Day to you, Captain!!!
6 ups, 4y
Happy Independence Day from the UK! 🇬🇧

Britain needs an Independence Day to celebrate Brexit.
5 ups, 4y,
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College Liberal Meme | HATES CELEBRATING AMERICA NEVER MOVES TO A DIFFERENT COUNTRY.  EVER. | image tagged in memes,college liberal | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5 ups, 4y
They NEVER do. Like roaches... they just hang around and contaminat your stuff
5 ups, 4y,
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INDEPENDENCE DAY? | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5 ups, 4y
LOL- TY, TB.... HAPPY Independence Day!!
4 ups, 4y
4 ups, 4y,
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nope. not him. definitely not labeling an innocent citizen a terrorist here. this image is clearly faked :)
4 ups, 4y,
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god these leftards will protest anything these days :rolling_eyes:
4 ups, 4y,
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What is your point?
Was he not an Antifa Agitator?
Are you sympathetic to him, why?
Martin Gugino set out to cause trouble that day he was filmed by others saying he was going to get into a fight before it was over.He had not interest in being their except to cause trouble, trouble found his pathetic ass.
He boasts everywhere on social media how he is a provocateur and has been arested so few times. He would appear to be a leech on society, a real all round genuine PIECE OF SHIT.
I am saddened he didn't die that day as a result of his own stupidity because he seems to be a wart on society and we don't deserve people like him.
2 ups, 4y,
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"What is your point?"

mr. president is spreading lies to justify bootlickers.

"Was he not an Antifa Agitator?"

have you any evidence that he was?

"Are you sympathetic to him, why?"

got a concussion from the friggin government for no reason

"He boasts everywhere on social media how he is a provocateur and has been arested so few times. He would appear to be a leech on society, a real all round genuine PIECE OF SHIT."

again, show some evidence for this
3 ups, 4y,
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Sorry sM I,m not going to bother to spend 5 too show you what you can go see with ease if you were interested in the truth about the martin guy.
If somebody said to me what I said to you and I didn't believe. I would go find that information myself and disprove them or sit their with no other option but to change my perception on the subject and how it relates to other things.
Would learning the truth even change your view on the rest of your opinions, i dont know. But you can find all the information on the actors involved like Martin G. Thanks
1 up, 4y
not entirely related to martin, but here's some epic cop stuff

getting shot on their own property. another day, another libtard owned by the state that republicans pretend not to need :)
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"ease if you were interested in the truth about the martin guy."

because you can't convince anyone for shit. lmfao

"I would go find that information myself and disprove them or sit their with no other option but to change my perception on the subject and how it relates to other things."

""lOoK iT uP yOuRsELf"" that's not how to debate ya moron. make an effort to convince me otherwise.
3 ups, 4y
I know the truth I have seen all the video, you don't want the truth. The president isn't spreading lies and you provide no proof of that but you expect me to prove to you what i know. Great job!
Like I said your not interested in the truth. Go debate with the other kids. I have seen you again and again never responding when the truth is presented to you, as I said your not worth my time bye. So go look it up yourself okay.
2 ups, 4y,
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Looks like the old dude is relaxing on the sidewalk. The legs crossed at the ankles is a dead giveaway.
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the video of him getting pushed actually features him getting pushed over and bleeding through the ear. but hey, orange man is perfect and can't be criticized :) anyone who criticizes him or disagrees with him slightly should be hung drawn and quartered
0 ups, 4y,
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Trump haters always take everything to eleven :3
1 up, 4y,
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still find it ironic that a president that promises to protect the country's freedoms is endorsing a state government that punishes its citizens for exercising 1st amendment rights

i don't like putting groups of people into schools of thought, but it seems that on imgflip especially that most (not all) trump supporters will use mental gymnastics to justify everything he does. if he punched a baby or endorsed pedophilia... well the reactions here would be interesting.

he said he'd put america first, yet he's been helping the apartheid nation of israel more than us. israel and our military are responsible for the deaths of so many children that abortion clinics are worried about their high score being beaten.
1 up, 4y,
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Paragraph 1--What are you talking about?

Paragraph 2--Maybe YOU like licking the boots of your favorite politician, but Trump supporters would drop him like a hot potato (and possibly lynch him) if he EVER punched a baby or endorsed pedophilia. Taking it to eleven again, Trump hater.

Paragraph 3--What are you talking about? I swear Trump haters spend too much valuable time making shit up rather than doing something constructive. Y'all are going to die young just from stressing yourself out over MSM bullshit.
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and trump hasn't done anything to stop that sort of thing

"Maybe YOU like licking the boots of your favorite politician, but Trump supporters would drop him like a hot potato (and possibly lynch him) if he EVER punched a baby or endorsed pedophilia"

ooh boy somebody mad :)

"I swear Trump haters spend too much valuable time making shit up rather than doing something constructive"

was the jerusalem embassy a hallucination, then? i'm talking about something trump did that was dishonest. he said during his campaign that he'd put america first, yet he hasn't fought to end poverty in the united states, but has he given israel more money? yes he has.
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I'm not mad. Capitalization is used for emphasis--it's not always about yelling. Trump haters assume that Trump supporters are a bunch of cock-sucking boot-lickers. Did you do the same for Obama? Because you seem to think that if we like someone or support them, that somehow we're all up in that and ready to swallow jizz. Makes me think you're speaking from experience.
Okay, so he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. How is that tied to more money for Israel? It's an American embassy--and yes, he spent a little money to renovate an existing building--which saved a shit-ton of money because he didn't have to build a whole new one.
"...he hasn't fought to end poverty in the united states..." Maybe you're poor because you don't put in an effort to work and improve your life. BTW, the "War on Poverty" started by LBJ (a Democrat) didn't end poverty, it INCREASED poverty. Maybe you should dig up LBJ's carcass and kick his dead ass for screwing up everything for you. And, why didn't Obama end poverty?
1 up, 4y,
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"Did you do the same for Obama?"

eyy obama deflect. i don't support obama now, and i question people who do, though i didn't back when he was president because i didn't care much about politics back then.

"Okay, so he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. How is that tied to more money for Israel?"

i should rephrase that it means more military aide for israel. more military aide still means putting more money aside, however. lots and lots of money that could be used to.. i dunno.. benefit americans?

"Maybe you're poor because you don't put in an effort to work and improve your life"

uh oh muh laziness. i'd say it's a pretty typical answer to everything, but you already won the race of typicalness by bringing up obama

"BTW, the "War on Poverty" started by LBJ (a Democrat) didn't end poverty, it INCREASED poverty"

i just love how you put "(a Democrat)" there as if i give a shit about partisan politics. partisan politics is a scam to keep people stupid.

"And, why didn't Obama end poverty?"

obama and trump are basically the same. they don't care about the american people. they just care about keeping the rich in power and the american people stupid.
6 ups, 4y,
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Of course anyone saluting the flag or saying anything good about America is racist and divisive to you
3 ups, 4y,
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Normal Americans don’t believe the country was founded by evil racists or that mob rule is an effective form of government. Real Americans support everyone’s right to free speech and open debate And abhor censorship. They respect private property and understand public property and dont remain silent when they see these rights infringed. So your version of normal is different than mine and your version of patriotism doesn’t even follow the simple definition of patriotism.
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Webster’s says, a noun; the quality of being patriotic; vigorous support of one’s country.

Now you look up the definition of “vigorous support“ and see if that’s what you are doing Patriot.
2 ups, 4y,
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Good job. Now tell me, are you supporting your whole country, or just the interests that align with yours? Are you supporting the whole people, or just the people who sound like you? Sometimes people confuse the idea of 'country' with flags and prestige and power and their 'freedom', and they forget that the country is a lot of other people who want good and promising
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So how does denying our history and destroying its symbols build a good and promising future for all Americans? Hating your country doesn’t build anything and exhibits that you have checked out of improving it.
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well i'll tell you, but you have to try and listen real good, ok? real good. nobody is denying history. i think they hated those statues as symbols of their longtime and continued oppression. just like you guys are crazy about flags, they hated those statues. and look! a lot of the statues are destroyed now, but the history is still there. everybody wins.

now about hating the country, you'd really need to ask them, but my read is that they're just really pissed about being treated as second-class citizens. for illustration, imagine that the GOP gets completely swept in the November elections, and Biden and Congress start to rebuild the programs and policies that Trump and the Senate were dismantling. how would you feel about that? all you have to do here is try to see the thing from another person's point of view. it's interesting, isn't it, that everyone's basically the same except for the ability to do that. good luck.
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So you’re ok with wiping the earth of human history if a single group hates something? That’s a pathetic argument.
2 ups, 4y
i don't think you read my comment carefully, kid
0 ups, 4y
I read it and it as usual is a bunch of wushu washy psycho babble you say nothing. Maybe they were mad? You have no convictions and stand for nothing.
1 up, 4y,
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It must drive you crazy that minorities support Trump as well and that many people of color disagree with your communist revolution. The fact is it’s all about Trump winning and the hissy fit reaction that he did. You as an American have no problem with a coup? Deny the will of the people who elected a president you don’t like. Ya you are a patriot.

So those white college kids have been treated as second class citizens? No they have not. They have been indoctrinated into leftist communist doctrine. They proclaim it openly and you refuse to admit what anyone can see and hear. Stick your head in the sand and pretend it’s not true and go protest cause the virus won’t affect you if your protesting.
1 up, 4y
Sure no point in pretending you care about your country and you will not convince me otherwise. I won’t be swayed by communist propaganda or their liberal apologists so we know There is no point continuing discussion. When two sides can not agree on facts then there is no common ground and we know where this will lead. The tragedy is it could be avoided by simply accepting things that are facts and both sides have them. But you stay in your little world of denial and convince yourself flying the hammer and sickle is as American as Apple Pie.
1 up, 4y
my communist revolution LOL

ok i have a read on you now. we won't need to chat again.
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1 up, 4y
and i like how you make up things about me that you're comfortable hating. shows good imagination ( :
1 up, 4y
i forgot to mention: be on the lookout for those battle cries like 'denying our history!'. they're just catchphrases that the herders use to focus your anger.
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lives for themselves and their kids. It's ironic, becausevthats what they want for themselves, too.
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If you were SO offended, why you bother watching? At this point, it's clear that Scrooge loves destroying more Holidays than just Christmas.
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The other ppl at the table have NO MANNERS either. They loot, burn or sit by and by default, they encourage it because someone is TRIGGERED. Trump addressed it and he did so respectfully. If THAT gave you upset stomach.... maybe you JUST don't like Trump
1 up, 4y,
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I just needed to chat with you a bit to see if you really have something to add. Later, Chuck.
1 up, 4y
Yes, you're bored. Later
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