I really hated the parts with Frodo and Sam, to be honest, I was by far more looking into the parts with Aragorn/Legalas/Gimli and Merry and Pippin, which was, considering the ring was what the story was all about, a bit of letdown.
What I also like in Pippin is that he matured most.. I mean he was the most childlike of the 4 hobbits, and eventually he grew the most as he had to come from farest away. Merry, although a bit of a carefree one, was from the start more mature than Pippin. Also nice to note is that I know that Pippin named his son Faramir. I know that it was Merry who enabled Eowyn to vanquish the Witch King, and that it was not the fact that she was "no man" (although she used that word in the context of a male person, and the Witch King used the word "man" as a member of the human race, and in that context the word "man" is both male and female, which was a nice play on words). It was just that somehow I expected Merry to save Eowyn... I never expected Pippin to be so heroic to save Faramir, yet this saving became a symbolic metaphor on my life to me due to Faramir's role, plus the fact that I didn't expect somebody like Pippin to have it in him... Of course, Pippin confirmed Gandalf's words when he said "You can learn all there is to learn about Hobbits in a few weeks, and yet after a hundred years... they can still surprise you"...