Well you don’t have anything quantifying how much all lives matter so it being all Orange and that representing white Protestant men and the color blue being everyone else I assumed you were saying white Protestant men don’t care about anyone else.
The problem with folks like you is that you are itching to play the role of the victim so bad that you incorrectly infer the slightest criticisms as racism or hate. You are NOT a victim. And you damn sure are NOT oppressed.
I am not oppressed because I refuse to be. Stand up like a man and quit crying like a baby. A man doesn’t need someone to do for them snowflake. You are either afflicted of the white savoir complex or are a white hating racist.
Thinking oppression is a choice shows me that you have no idea what the f*** you're talking about and you're not worth the time. Get a f**king clue, dude.