Good afternoon. I personally am wondering how you can blame the local emergency you're calling today on anything else but your leadership and policies.
Hasn't Kevin McKeowin stated about protests that the end justifies the means? I do hope he plans to explain his statement's relation to the violence and looting on May 31, 2020.
Unless of course this was done on purpose for funding. Which would go along with Kevin McKeowin begging for federal funding for Covid-19 on CNN. And that would also explain why the police were told to stand down during the looting.
To support this I encourage everyone to look at the front page article, Still Battered By Pandemic Store Says Looting Will Set Them Back Even Further, in the June 3, 2020, Santa Monica Daily Press.
Where on page four the owner of Tar And Roses said the cops standing near the restaurant while it was being looted told his landlord there was nothing they could do because the looters outnumbered them.
But if for a community of ninety-three thousand residents you only have one police officer for every two hundred and seventy-seven residents. Might it be said that you've allowed public safety services to be pushed aside for your special interests?
Put together with the fact that obviously no one in a leadership role in this city had the foresight or logic to make sure there was additional law enforcement available. In case the same thing happened here that happened on Fairfax and Melrose the night before.
So for all these reasons I say the violence and looting that happened on May 31, 2020, is the fault of your leadership and policies. And was allowed to happen due to your desire for funding for the city and your special interests.
Thank you.