Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. First of all NO GOVERNMENT is responsible for 9/11 since Al-Qaida acted on its own accord. Next, you will have to strike a deal with your enemies eventually. Keeping on threatening each other eventually ending up in a full scale war will get you nowhere. Obama understood this truth. In order from Iran doing anything ballistic he had to come with something that is interesting for Iran. Such things always come from two sides. You can remain in war forever if that is what you desire, but in the end you must give in a little to your enemies. It's not that Iiked that deal, and I too was skeptic, but as far as all reports show, Iran did (despite of what Trump and Bolton say, but then again, the Bolton is the same guy behind the weapons of mass destruction which still haven't been found today, so why even listen to him) keep their end of the bargain. By undoing that deal, not out of the safety of the US (don't you fall for that one), but solely to undo what Obama tried to set up... Not because Obama's intentions were wrong, but solely because Obama is a Democrat... If Obama was a Republican, Trump would never have retracted that deal, mark my words. By retracting that deal, he did release Iran from their end of the bargain, and they lived all up to the freedom Trump granted them.
An eye-for-an-eye may seem logical, but in world politics that is the ultimate act of foolishness. You cannot always prevent a war. Sometimes it's naive to give in to your enemies, but in the end, wars can only be prevented when you give your enemies something. And I can't believe you took their propaganda speeches seriously... Propaganda holds little truth to begin with. Iran does the same Trump does... Either telling lies or overstating bad things. By holding that against Iran, you clearly hold a double standard, but I don't... or at least I try not to.