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(You’ll object to these liberal sources no doubt, but I can’t seem to find an article from Breitbart or Fox News or Zero Hedge collecting Trump’s racism over decades. Let me know if you find one)
Also, most recently: “looting, shooting” etc. Twitter comments literally lifted from the lips of a racist late-1960s Miami police chief.
(Not proper protocol, by the way, or else major cities across the country right now would be Tiananmen Square-like bloodbaths)
When such attitudes are not only held and expressed in public by the President but continually defended, downplayed, and explained away by his supporters, it’s not difficult to see how that filters down.
How exactly? You could fill books with theorizing. It’s a complex subject.
Here’s more reading. Sometimes subtle, sometimes overt, racism is with us today.
Heck, we know this because just last week we found out (according to many right-wing memes I saw) that Joe Biden is a racist even though he served as a VP to our first black President and garnered a huge amount of the black primary vote.
If Joe Biden is racist then what hope do the rest of us have?