First off, I am Independent and have no allegiance to either party. Second, I couldn't care less about what Whitmer does and I hope Biden doesn't pick her for VP just because she is from a swing state. Third, you are missing the entire point. First, look at what the two protestors are doing, one group (where basically everyone is white) is protesting laws and enforcement that every public health official in this country agrees with (many also bring guns and are violent), Trump then calls them "good people." Then, a few weeks later, George Floyd is killed and people (most of the them African-American) go to the streets to protest police brutality and institutionalized racism. Your friend Trump then, calls them "thugs" "low-lifes" and "scum." Now, if you are a normal human being, have a pulse, and feel human emotion, you should understand how Trump is singling out black citizens of the country he is sworn to protect and calling them scums and low-lifes. If you dont believe that he is racist, then you must have some mental disability. Finally, what you said at the beginning of your comment, that he threatened the violent protestors with weapons and dogs, if you look at his tweet, he never mentions that he was going to send dogs and weapons to attack them, he says that if they entered the lawn he would release them, he also mentions that the protestors would get "very badly hurt." To me, as a human being, this disgusts me. Violent or not, threatening African-American citizens with "dogs" and "ominous" weapons is barbaric and disgusting. Hydra, if you dont understand basic logic, and see the racism and hate in Trump, you do not have a pulse and I dont know how I can classify you as a human being. You should be ashamed of yourself.