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Eatthecake09 (82678)
Joined 2019-10-02
Making crafting tables, Forgetting parachutes, Binge Watching, Making Memes...
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Genesis was written ~3700yrs ago, God Studios needs to make The Bible 2 in fun
1 up, 3y
Ok in certain contexts you can say this but, really? I respect Christianity but you can't go around getting offended when someone uses the Bible in a joke.
He wants to do what now? in politics
7 ups, 3y
Is this actually real? Dang didn't know it was this bad.
Black guy confused in politics
3 ups, 3y
Just because it's in a different country doesn't mean it doesn't effect America. Heck we are still fighting a conflict on the other side of the world.
Do not do this ... seriously, it is just a joke. in fun
1 up, 4y
cha cha real smooth in Middle-School
0 ups, 5y
ikr, that song died so long ago