"George Floyds death" or "George Floyds murder", guilty until proven innocent is what I get from what you wrote and if it is because of his death that they riot that makes sense for the reasons of outrage.
However, It is looking like his dying may have been as a result of something other than asphyxiation despite the viscious throat hold thing that the cop did, being seen as the reason.
It would be horrendously uncomfortable having a knee where it was but you dont strangle someone by putting force onto the side of their throat you place it onto the windpipe on the front. This apparent but not actually strangling is also probably why no cops would make statements, they also undoubtedly would have been advised legally to not make one because of the likely incriminating aspects to doing so when many other factors are involved.
Most likely the one outcome of this will be that this kind of method of suspect aprehension will get outlawed from police protocals.
Looting is something someone choosing to be a criminal does and as they say most crime is opportunistic so rioters who loot are still criminals not protesters of possible/probable police homicide.
To quote you "Have you ever been so mad you want to break something??? " rarely yes and I broke it but I never went off looting. What would I loot ? oh that's right no reason to add looting to the picture.
And you write about people being worried about the theft from looting and by extension the welfare of the companies being stolen from. Did you consider that many people are highlighting the fact that these companies will not return and rebuild in the locations they wreck? And then these retard who are looting will complain "we are being underserviced"" we need to travel 5 miles to get a loaf of bread""there's no public transport" etc etc etc, no shit and you don't see why. They create their situations just they don't choose to recognise their own culpability in the situation.