Are you my secret unfollower? Bahahaha ironic thing for someone to do who asserts followers don't matter. I've added probably 10 followers in the past couple weeks. Safe to say your rude decision to unfollow will be rectified within a week
And I only have *one* shill account, thank you very much. We don't talk to each other. The political differences are too vast.
I guess I could tell that account to follow this account, but that would feel like cheating.
Go ahead and flag that account if you care, but OlympianProduct already knows about it, lol
And tbh I don't truly need that account anymore, ever since I found this great new stream by synthetic-Mantis where I can go to try on my digital MAGA-face:
But don't count MAGA_4_Lyfe out just yet, he's scored some of my most successful "politics" memes to date and it's always curious to see how they do