I knew that Chruchill drank Whiskey,, Champagne and Brandy, in a regimen that started at 11 a.m. But, I had never read that he was shit faced drunk at 8 a.m. Since I don't drink, I know you are not talking about me. So, I researched your allegation. I could not find a specific reference to regular drinking early in the morning. I found more than one accounting of his drinking a weak Whiskey and Soda at 11 a.m. Followed by Champagne at 1 p.m. lunch. That seems too be the consensus concerning the start of his drinking. I did find one biographer who explainned that, in volume, he did not consume more alcohol than he could metabolize on most occasions, and did not routinely get drunk. I don't know how he could have determined this. But, many have tried to explain how he drank so much and still functioned so well. I suspect that he used alcohol as a decoy. Card players try too convince competitors they are drunk, by always having a glass of alcohol close by.