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Donald Trump has ruined this country, causing death. Many of you will leave hateful comments, but truth still remains.

Donald Trump has ruined this country, causing death. Many of you will leave hateful comments, but truth still remains. | image tagged in memes,how about no bear | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
307 views 5 upvotes Made by TellMeWhyIExist 5 years ago in politics
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Remember, to the Rightwing, "hateful" = criticism.
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Okay then, what DO I call people like you? Rightists? Trump's minions?
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Because, unlike Donald Trump, I care about the people of my country. No matter how many people die, get infected, or urge him not to reopen the country, Trump does not care. He will do everything in his power to get reelected, even if it costs human lives. And there is solid proof for this. He wants to reopen the economy and ease the stay-at-home orders. This may seem like a good thing. Staying at home really sucks ass, and the economy is a very important part of our country. But the fact still remains that if people go outside, and we allow people into the country to trade right now, then we allow the COVID-19 virus to spread, taking more lives, infecting more, and forcing the economy to close again. And Trump unquestionably knows this, because he is warned by health experts everyday. And yet, even if it costs the lives of other humans, he does not care so long as he thinks the effect is somehow to his benefit. And if he does reopen the economy and more people die, it will almost certainly NOT be a benefit to his reputation. And I am not an expert on this topic. I am just some idiot who has not gone through puberty yet. And again, I hate staying at home. I want to see my only friend, but I cannot because of the simple fact of the stay-at-home orders. But the fact is that I know the facts about what he has done, and that is why I choose to participate in this stream, correcting the assumptions about the COVID-19 pandemic, the Democrats, and Donald Trump.

Have a great rest of your day, evening, or night.
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"No you don't. You only care about the people who agree with you."

This statement is not true. Hell, two of my grandmothers support him, and I still love them. Further, I do not want anyone to get sick from this virus or die from it. Not you, not Donald Trump, not ANYONE. And, despite the fact that I am part of the "arrogant chutzpah of teens", I am pretty sure both you and him do not agree with me. Further, Donald Trump is not the only one who has helped the virus spread. I know that. Idiotic governors who took a long time to close their states, like Georgian governor Brian Kemp, have also played a part, and China, the origin place of the virus, took a long time to warn other countries about the virus and silenced doctors who tried to sound the alarm. However, Donald Trump HAS played a big part in allowing the virus to spread, even though nearly no Republican, like you, is willing to admit. And suicide? I've tried to commit suicide TWICE asshole, simply because of the person who is running this country. So yeah, I get people who want to commit suicide. Further, you dismissing the fact that more people might get infected. Newsflash: 1 in 50 of those people will DIE because of the virus. To simply state that like it is nothing shows your likeness to Trump: not enough understanding of human suffering. And my hate may very well be driven by evil, but so is your support for a man who has done little for this country. As for the people whose businesses have gone bankrupt because of this crisis, that maybe because of the stay-at-home orders, but it is partly Trump's fault as well, allowing the government to act so slow on small business and unemployment funds. And of course I know how this country works. It is a democracy with many freedoms. And that is a problem. Many people like yourself are only thinking about the individual, not knowing the greater consequences of what they are doing. Further, what you called me, "an ignorant, selfish, spoiled brat, who doesn't know jack shit about life", it is all true. I am a garbage bag filled with every organ except a brain. An ugly potato with acne problems. A half-eaten apricot crayon used to write vulgarities on the mayor's statue. But I am still willing to look at both perspectives. And that is what everyone needs to do, Republicans and Democrats alike, before making a decision. And that is what I have done. I have read news stories from a lot of news networks. Fox News, NBC, CNN, OANN, a lot.
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Continuing on, I have also watched shows like Last Week Tonight to gain another perspective. You? You are only willing to look at Trump's side of the picture. I have a question for you. What about the nurses and doctors fighting for their patients' lives everyday? The people who have lost relatives from the virus like I have? The people testing everyone even though they well know they could get the virus? The essential workers like fast food workers and cashiers at grocery stores? Oh that's right, THEY don't matter, do they? You also hate the people that disagree with you, so don't come at me with that excuse. And look, I have spoken to Republicans like you that have been thoughtful and educated, like BurntFingerForge. He told me exactly what Trump has done in his eyes, and what was so bad about the Obama administration. THAT is what I like to hear. And as for going outside is death? Of course I know that going outside is not certain death. I am not saying that. I am saying that there is great unnecessary risks that could spread the virus.

Ah, the group of Rightist Republican adults, thinking they are always right because they are older than people like me.
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"When you surround yourself, as you have done, only with people who agree with you, your ability to reason and defend your beliefs and opinions atrophies from disuse."

Let me just say that this is an amazing quote. It is true that when you have no one to disagree with, it allows your opinions and thoughts to become essentially meaningless. And it is also true that my family mostly agrees with me when it comes to politics. However, there is one group of people that I speak to that disagree with me. People on Imgflip! Basically no one agrees with me on Imgflip because I do not support the president and scorn his actions. That is why this conversation started in the first place!

And narcissistic? In my last comment, I am pretty sure that I insulted my self at least three times. No narcissist would do that. Person with depression and too much self-pity? Sure. I think that is a pretty accurate description of me. But narcissist? Basically everyone I meet agrees that I am not narcissistic.

And a lot of people I meet disagree on some things with me. They say I am smart. Back in reality, I am an idiot.

I really do think that you are a thoughtful person that allows disagreement, for otherwise you probably would not be commenting on this right now.

I really hope that this is broken up enough.
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No hate. Just a complete disagreement plus the wish you would begin to question the narrative you are served in the corporatocracy's media.

I'm not Antifa. Hate's not my style.
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Well, I am glad there is no hate, but I would like to show you a teenager's perspective on this issue.

Donald Trump ignored the warning signs from both his health and infectious disease experts, along with the signs from other countries. I will note that he did limit travel to China, which was a good start, but much more needed to be done.
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There is also a reason why adults can't drive while drinking: Their brains are fully developed, and yet they still do idiotic shit everyday!

As for "indoctrinating", I listen to news everyday. The "FAKE NEWS!!!!!"-Donald Trump whenever he is criticized by the media. Fox News, OAN, and other news networks like them, kissing Trump's ass for profit, is lying to the public, and it is what you most likely listen to everyday. They broadcast poisonous nonsense like how the Democrats created the COVID-19 virus to stop Trump from being reelected, or that this virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan. Anything is possible, but those news networks do not have concrete evidence of that. They only broadcast it because it is what Trump believes. So, in my teenage opinion, YOU are the one that is most likely being brainwashed. By the way, why did you comment on this THREE times if you did not like what I said?
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Yes, however, there are also raving conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, who leads protests against stay-at-home orders and is apparently willing to eat his neighbors. And yes, I do speak like the CNN and MSNBC, but you speak like the anchors of Fox News and OANN. You have to remember that they actually do broadcast this, and you see it a lot on this stream. If you take a good look at this stream, you notice that all it is about blaming and criticizing Democrats. "The virus has not worked either. Send out the murder hornets." You think I am lying? Check out the front page. Further, I do not repeat whatever the governors say. Of course I don't. And as for the nonsense of the "mainstream" media, I would like to point out that Fox News has advertised the use of hydroxychloroquine as a cure. They have. You have to look at past news reports but they have. Now, I will say that they have corrected this mistake. This is good. But for some, the consequences might have already set in. It is an antimalarial drug used to treat malaria, lupus, and arthritis. But people who took it as a cure could have been allergic, and they were taking it away from the people who actually needed it. And as for the propaganda that you say I have created, the Democrats created the virus is also taken advantage of by Rightist reporters, and THEY spread it around like it is fact. And speaking against propaganda, I am speaking against propaganda: Trump's propaganda.

See what you can learn from idiotic youth...?
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P.S: You still think that Imgflip does not blame Democrats? Here:
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"You're not that bright, nor that experienced, nor that educated."

You mind telling that to everyone, because I seriously cannot convince them (no actually, I try).

And yes, it is true that everyone is biased. However, you are stating biased opinions about his issue. Not blaming, but just saying. The fact still remains, however, that our current president is a lot more biased than you or I, even wanting to call the COVID-19 virus the "Chinese virus". Did it come from China? Yes. Did the leaders of China try not to let word get out about the virus. A definite yes. Do you really need to pin it on the Chinese? No. To some, this may seem like Trump is blaming the Chinese for creating the virus. Now, calling the "Xi Jingping virus" may be more like it, because he, along with other politicians, silenced scientists who tried to sound the alarm.

And you stating that I repeat what governors say because I listen to them, I do not. I do not like to listen to governors, considering that some take this pandemic too lightly, so I just tone all the governors out of my opinions.

When you say "Who cares if someone says, "'Democrats created the virus!!!'...?", it is because that people actually BELIEVE that and start going against a party for no reason. And I do not put my trust in people who tell me what I want to hear, because that is useless. People who want to hear that hydorxychloroquine is a cure for COVID-19 tune in to the conspiracy theorists who advertise it as a cure. And you not willing to consider the fact that both parties are responsible for putting out lies on news networks, not just Democrats, and for the fact that not taking precautions to this virus could be catastrophic. Certain death? No. But precautions need to be put out to stop the spread of the virus.

" Fox News doesn't need me to defend them, and I don't watch them, but "Fox News" is composed of dozens of different newscasters and commentators, all of whom have differing opinions."

Yes, this is true. But you do not consider the fact that so does CNN, MSNBC, and other news networks that you say spread propaganda. Further, it is true that doctors have to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to patients. But patients can lie. They tell their doctors that they are not allergic to the drug, the doctor prescribes it, and, well. Now you think that I have left out allergy tests. Allergy tests are used to see whether a person is allergic to a medicine or not, but that is generally upon request.
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Ah yes, but keep in mind that Fox News also does not have any views that oppose Trump and his friends. Seriously, I do not see anyone that opposes him. Sean Hannity, Fox and Friends, Phil McGraw and others all have one thing in common: They support Trump, willing to go along with whatever he says and defend the bad things he does just for profit.

Judging from this, Suzanne Scott, the second CEO of Fox News ever, also does not tolerate opposing views. They constantly defend him with a Soviet Union technique known as whataboutism. Whataboutism is where its users say "what about" or a phrase similar to that to deflect criticism. You hear it all the time in their news reports. Basically, the philosophy is that all actions have a moral equivalent, thus making all criticism hypocritical, which clears the path to do whatever they like.

"Well, Trump has sexual assault allegations against him, but what about Joe Biden are Tara Heade?"* is a great example. Yes Joe Biden DOES have a sexual assault allegation against him, and that is heinous in every way, but it does not justify Trump's sexual assault charges.

"Well, Trump may have screwed up so much that unemployment rates are the worst since The Great Depression, but what about all the people Obama unemployed when hospitals closed down due to Obamacare?" is another example.* Obamacare did put people out of jobs, but it does not justify Trump screwing up so badly. See what I mean?

I do have to thank you for one thing, however. You, along with other smart Republicans, at least try to let me see their perspective and opinions, rather than swearing at me saying "GO F**K YOURSELF" or "YOU ARE A LIBTARDED BITCH". So, for that, I thank you.

*Not actual quotes from Fox News reporters, just theoretical examples.
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Also, the doctor often take the patient's word before administering an allergy test, like if they show symptoms of an allergy to the drug. And I do actually research to see facts from both sides, not just mine.

"And which people were "they" taking HCQ from?"

Well, "they" were taking it away from the people who had the diagnosed diseases that the drug is meant to treat or ease. These diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, malaria, and lupus. Rheumatoid arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain and stiffness in that area(s). Malaria is a disease most often transmitted by mosquitoes during its bites, injecting a parasite called plasmodium. Plasmodium, in turn, infects and destroys red blood cells, eventually killing a person. Lupus is a disease where the immune system sees its own tissues as hostile, thus attacking them. Approximately 150,000 people die from arthritis, 1 to 3 million from malaria per year, and 1,176 deaths a year in the United States So, if you wanted to know who "they" were taking hydroxychloroquine from, here you go.

"Again: you think you're the first person to say any of this? You're not. And that may be hard on your ego, but it's true nonetheless."

Okay, "hard on my ego" is a complete and utter lie. I absolutely know that there are people who have said this way before I have, people who agree with me. How would I not know, considering that you claim I surround myself with people who agree with me. Also, I really do not have an ego. Hate myself and everything in it.

"There are a TON of streams on imgflip that would be more to your liking, especially "PoliticsTOO" which, unlike Politics, ONLY tolerates Leftist views."

This has truth to it. I have taken a look at PoliticsTOO, and I do not like what I see. Nothing but extreme accusations and false, unnecessary criticism of Republicans by Leftists, only which a few are true. However, this stream is PoliticsTOO's inverse. Just switched around, with extreme accusations and false, unnecessary criticism of Democrats by Rightists, only which a few are true. And I actually LIKE this stream because it allows me to debate with people like you to see what they think.

I speak like a teenager with no humility? I do have humility. I am willing to admit I am wrong, and people who know me generally know that I do not think very highly of myself. I know that my existence does not matter in any way, shape, or form, except to be a miserable organism and an example of who NOT to be like.
1 up, 5y
Oh hey remember when you tried to convince everyone that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was dead? How's that going?
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I am also looking for more information on this topic. can you please share a few sites where I can find real solid news?
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If you are asking me, then:

For the number of cases:

Do not listen to:
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  • How About No Bear