None of what you said is turning out to be true. Testing is revealing MANY times the estimated number of people have or had the virus and only a tiny portion of a percentage are dying. Every year, 1.3M people die in traffic accidents, but we don't ban cars, because society must continue. The only thing Trump is doing wrong is allowing the globalists to destroy virtually every nation's economy, via the bought-and-paid-for WHO. There is zero reason or precedent to quarantine the low-risk and healthy. The absolute most that should have been done is warn the elderly and imuno-compromised to self-quarantine. Herd immunity is the only thing that makes these things cease to be an issue. All the lockdowns were even claimed to accomplish was to "flatten the curve", but that only elongates it. The exact same number of people were intended to get the virus, but we were supposed to be spreading it out, so we didn't overwhelm medical services. They're so underwhelmed, staff are being laid off and the hospitals are empty. People are putting off necessary medical screening, to make room for all the Corona patients who never materialized. This whole thing is a manufactured crisis.