Where did this become about that potato? hmmmm, interesting question.
Let me see if I can clarify this mystery for you:
Is it only me that's beginning to miss St Greta and that end of the world?
She's 17 now, and by the time attentions can be shifted back, her 15 will be over hours ago. Hard for anyone to rival that cringe master."
Greta and covid-19 sure have caused kids to miss school. Maybe that's a good thing.
Yes, further gloom and doom is what's missing right now."
She should be happy, as people round the world can see these star thingies in the night sky and the sun not through an orangey haze during the day. The birds are even chirping louder, as black bears suddenly became more abundant in the zoo called Yellowstone and animals from kangas to wild boar roam streets in search of lawns to munch on and goats in Wales are trimming the shrubbery very nicely.
Too bad her parents are gonna have to look for real jobs once this is over and Greta might have to learn a trade that doesn't include zipping round the world eating natural foods out of single use plastics. But at least she got her childhood back.
Ahh, the end is nigh was so much better when it came with larfs."
This took some doing, but I've finally determined that she entered the dailogue at this point here:
Is it only me that's beginning to miss St Greta and that end of the world?
She's 17 now, and by the time attentions can be shifted back, her 15 will be over hours ago. Hard for anyone to rival that cringe master."
THERE. That's where.
Hope this has been helpful.
Oh, and don't forget to apply the talcum liberally after you finished wiping with you stock of tp.