So this is your way of saying no, you cannot disprove these stories. Thank you for admitting that.
Are you actually saying all video and tweets of trump are somehow not real? That the Chinese are faking them all as part of a gigantic worldwide conspiracy??
Sure, that's not crazy at ALL.
Of course, you do realize that if there was even ONE instance of this, trump would be holding 57 press conferences, hauling out the evidence of it being a fake and NEVER stop screaming about it, right?
THAT IS THE POINT! All he ever says is "fake news" and NEVER gives a SINGLE INSTANCE OR EXAMPLE of what he is saying is fake. It is just a catchphrase designed to fool the weak minded like you all who never stop and ask "Wait a minute. What is he talking about?". Nope. It's always "trump says it, I believe it, that settles it". Pure cultish behavior.