1. “South Korea is a democratic republic, we feel a lockdown is not a reasonable choice,” says Kim Woo-Joo, an infectious disease specialist at Korea University.
"South Korea’s experience shows that “diagnostic capacity at scale is key to epidemic control,” says Raina MacIntyre, an emerging infectious disease scholar at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. “Contact tracing is also very influential in epidemic control, as is case isolation,” she says."
"After the novel coronavirus emerged in China, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) raced to develop its tests and cooperated with diagnostic manufacturers to develop commercial test kits. The first test was approved on 7 February, when the country had just a few cases, and distributed to regional health centers."
2. S. Korea had an approved test on Feb 7. THIS IS WHAT WAS NEEDED!!!!!!
3. Make pages of excuses for why America could not do this. Length cannot Trump substance. EVER.
4. In no way can our response be considered, "blistering fast track", considering S. Korea.
5. H1N1, in NO WAY was more lethal.
H1N1, 1 year death toll, America 12,500
Covid-19, 4 mo death toll, America 12,700+ Likely thousands higher by full 4 months
H1N1, "R" number 1.46
Covid, "R" number 2-2.5
Mortality rate
H1N1, .02%
Covid, around 2%
Whatever reasons for China's lag, makes no difference in how we lagged vs S. Korea. You're making excuses for poor American government.