I don't hate anyone or anything. It is not part of my life. What has happened has happened. We cannot change it to make things better. But, we can drop the year round politics, until the traditional start of campaigns, Labor Day. In the mean time, we can stop the back and forth pot shots. For example, I understand why you are angry. Every criticism of the president is seen as a personal affront. You are not responsible for that being the way it is. But, that is the way all comments are interpreted, regardless of intent. So, the best way to work together for the next few months is to not say anything of a critical nature, at all. As the president puts it, "Be nice." We can do it. And, most of us will. But, it is up to the leader, the President, Mr. Trump to start it and set the example. After Labor Day, the worst of this problem will be behind us. Then you, he and whoever feels so inclined could come out with claws and fangs bared.