LMAO! All you clowns sing the same damn song. "TDS! TDS!" I've got others that always say the same thing every time. Know why? You all lack any capacity for original thought and can only parrot back that which you have been programmed with by fox"news" & the Lunatic Right Fringe.
Here's a challenge - come up with something original that makes an ounce of sense. Anything at all.
BIGGER challenge - tell me what in this meme is not true. Check the news. This did just happen. He is suing the Biden campaign for posting an ad that only uses clips OF HIS VERY OWN WORDS! And still he is trying to claim it is untrue.
And still you all leap to defend him, no matter what, every single thing he does, every dingle day, Without exception. Without questioning. With zero doubt. He is always perfect in your eyes.
That is cult behavior. Think about it. If you can.
And WE have "Derangement Syndrome"? Ha.