IS THE BIBLE ONLY SOURCE OF AUTHORITY ON THIS PLANET? YES! And we Christians need to keep that truth! Don't just say it or only have it on your website or just make it another doctrinal statement. If you really stick to that truth, praise God, you will never be steered wrong. Take it, cherish it, and hold tight to it! Instead of a statement only, it has to be your behavior. Many people, including professing Christians, do not follow the dictates of the Bible for what they believe and how they behave. Instead, they more value their own personal opinion, secular society, the educational system, the media, and their friends. In practice, those are what people really believe in. But all that is just a hodgepodge of everything from a fallen society rather than God's Word in the Bible. Just keep your path clean and pure with God because He never gets it wrong. Stick to the Bible as your only source of authority. The sixty-six books of the Bible constitute God's ***ONLY*** written revelation to mankind. If I could do so in writing, "ONLY,” in the previous sentence would have included fireworks and maybe a huge dragon head shooting fire at it, just to emphasis the word more. When Joseph Smith, other Mormons, New Agers, Hindus, or anyone, including a professing Christian, tell you they have a new revelation, or Word from God for you, what should be your response? It must be, “No, I you don't. The Bible is sufficient for me.” "The the inspired, verbal (the very words), plenary (all of the words), infallible (trustworthy), [without error] in the original manuscripts, Word of God. The Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice (Matthew 5:18; 22:31-32; Galatians 3:16; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20-21)." The Bible should be, but unfortunately that's not the practice for many professing Christians. Besides the Bible, there has been no other written revelation given by God. Again, there is NO other written revelation from God besides the Bible—period!