Kylie, you read my mind. The hysteria around this virus (its more like a cold with a fever, so I've heard) is unprecidented. I don't remember it being too this level with SARS or MRSA (which are also types of Corona virus) The point most people and the media seems to be forgetting is all the sanitizer and toilet paper in the world isn't going to help you if you don't practice common sense hygiene and build up your immune system on the long term. Take your vitamins, eat healthy, exercise, don't go out if you feel sick (don't send your child to school sick). More people die yearly from the common flu, where is the hysteria around that? WHO says most people who get it will recover and the most at risk are the elderly and those with health conditions. Children aren't really catching it and there's virtually no deaths for the young population unlike the flu. So I'm puzzled as to the school closings. I think it's going to cause more problems then helps since parents now have to scramble to find childcare (wouldn't daycares also have to close?) Or take off work for the next month, teachers and professors don't have a choice, they're jobless now and are they being paid? I doubt it. I see kids around my city just wandering around unsupervised (even saw some teens having fun and putting their mouths on the spigots of public water vendors, I guess they are inspired by the ice cream episodes) i think the world needs to chill. If you're sick stay home, unless you're elderly or already sickly you'll recover in a week or 2 fine, just like with any other cold or flu. Wash your hands, take care of your body build up your immunity. It's pretty simple really.