Blaming this on Trump is ridiculous. Lay the blame where it belongs...CHINA. Back in January, the President placed a ban on travel from China and other countries, and the left, the Media, and the Dems all roundly criticized Trump as a "RACIST!!" and a "XENOPHOBE".
Face it and own your hate Trump...absolutely HATE him, and will do and say anything that you believe will help getting him removed from office. You and your ilk have been wishing and hoping and praying to whatever idol you worship for the economy to tank, and now, thanks to the incessant hype from the media, your wish has come true.
Bad news for you...this, too, shall pass. The virus will run its course, the markets will rebound, and Biden is sure to continue being the prolific gaffe machine that he is. As a result, Trump will be re-elected and you will have four more years to wallow in self-pity and scream at the sky.
I have no illusion that your and your ilk will cease your impeachment and your standard bearer,Adam Schiff will attempt to conjure up some pretext of presidential malfeasance in order to further your lies that Trump is an illegitimate holder of office and that Hillary was cheated.
Since you are a self-acclaimed slum-lord, perhaps you might ease your tenants burden and cut their rent in half, or better yet, sign the deeds over to your tenants.
Practice your marksmanship, wash your dog as needed, and don't take any wooden nickles.
President Trump declared today a “National Day of Prayer". As a Christian, I support this
whole-heartedly. The left is already condemn him.
God Bless you, too
Psalms 144:1