If the Founding Fathers got so much wrong, how did we get here, doofus?
It's like you just shit out the first random thought that crosses your mind, without considering how much evidence exists to support the brain-fart in the first place. All of reality says you are wrong, but you decided to shit out that attack on the Founding Fathers. That much stupid has to be painful.
Yet, I note you won't take up my challenge, you cowardly pussy. You know EXACTLY what would happen to you should you deny the science, and you are terrified into inaction. Ergo, through your pussified inaction you have admitted I am right.
Liberals are precisely the people the Founding Fathers stopped from voting, because of stupidity and insanity. Unlike liberals, they pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to give rise to a country where one could be as stupid as... well... you. That does not mean you have the right to f**k it up for the rest of us.
So yes, the blame falls squarely on the sane for ever letting the stupid and insane grasp the levers of power. We should have a competency test for voting - we scour your social media posts and if one has even given a hint there are more than two genders - BAM ! Lifetime voting ban. If one cannot prove one has net paid taxes - BAM ! Lifetime voting ban until one has paid more than 10% net income tax.
I think you will find the government hose of free money will be shut off rather quickly. Perhaps that is what terrifies you more than telling your fellow inmates they are f**king nuts.