Just like a Radical Leftist/Communist, has nothing constructive to say about the message itself, so it's time for attacking the person & turn it into a game of semantics with Intersectional Politics.
Here's a clue: Intersections are where most wrecks occur & oh boy, have we been seeing Lefty groups wrecking into each other A LOT.
That's the problem when people allow Radical Democrats (who don't even want anything to do with Democracy, BTW) to define & divide yourselves into neat little groupings & treat people differently just because of an arbitrary label. Then, in a futile attempt to herd a bunch of cats into the same direction, group starts to contend against group until you get where we see you now...The Left is eating its own.
Go ahead, refuse to learn any real facts, miss the real wisdom & embrace your Leftist enforced ignorance until you crash & burn like the little manipulated puppets you are. The rest of us (the majority) will just shake our heads & wonder how you let yourselves give up control to a bunch of criminal politicians that don't care anything at all about you except that you'll vote Democrat & go riot in the streets when they command it.