Let's say that when it comes to more mature kinds of places, like The_Think_Tank stream, people often get into a kind of confusion what to post there. I've really seen people who thought the question "Would you eat shit for $10000?" did belong on a forum like that. Tells me how mature they were, at least at the time. (And don't answer that example question, as I really do NOT want to know.... It's just a question that was really posted on a forum with a similar purpose as this stream, that's all).
Of course, I guess it's good you post this example to make things clear, but when it comes to stuff that does not belong on a place like this, I'm afraid you (and other moderators on this stream) will have to endure a lot more of things that do not belong here. I guess it comes with the territory, but I can understand that it can be a bit frustrating...