We can agree to disagree.
We are a Democratic Republic.
Bernie's Socialist Plans are very simple and common sense aimed at helping the blue collar working class who don't have rich parents, who don't have a University degree, who don't run a fortune 500 company or even know what a stock broker is, and they can't afford to know. They can't even afford healthcare. Or any more debt. Those are the Americans he wants to help.
He hasn't stated he wants to eliminate Capitalism. Regulation is required to keep a Free Market from getting ahead of itself & Crashing. So do Corporations because without any Supervision they'd get away with Murder. Chavez, Castro, Hitler, Maduro, Stalin, were nothing Like Sanders, despite what they called themselves.
1. https://www.vox.com/2019/3/27/18283879/nazism-socialism-hitler-gop-brooks-gohmert
2. https://fullfact.org/online/nazis-socialists/
3. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/01/putting-the-nazis-were-socialist-nonsense-to-rest
4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/
5. https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-democratic-socialist-not-communist-heres-difference-1485478
6. https://berniesanders.com/issues/how-does-bernie-pay-his-major-plans/
7. http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/democratic-socialist-countries/