The bozos who want socialism in American can keep digging up this meme all they want, but none of them ever answer a simple question, which is, how do you scale up the Nordic model, from running a small country of about 6.5 million people (roughly the population of Norway) so that it would be effective for a country the size of the US?
Tell you what, let's find a US city of about the population of Norway, and try it there first. Let's make a state with other large cities (think California, Texas, Illinois, NY.) If it works in the one city, we'll try it in other larger and smaller cities in that state, and if it works in those cities, we can try it for that entire state. Once the bugs are all worked out, then we can honestly and legitimately take a look at it and see what would need to be done to scale it up, and implement it nation-wide.
Until then, this stupid meme is illustrating an orange, and the US is an apple.
And don't you always notice how the only Americans who want socialized medicine, have never been subjected to it?
Another simple question: why did Obama-care require a mandate? Answer: because without the financial participation of young people, who disproportionately do not use their healthcare, the plan wouldn't have had enough funds to come close to being effective.
Why does that matter? Because socialized medicine will always be short of funding. And there's a certain segment of the US population that consumes way more from our current healthcare system than they put into it (financially speaking) and that's older people. So in order to stay viable, any socialized healthcare system will have to trim that back.
Think you're not too old to get that MRI, or have that procedure to put a stent in your heart, like Bernie had done? THINK AGAIN! You'll very likely be denied due to age, and even if not denied, by the time they get around to you (they're always buried in work...) you may be dead anyway, which means they win anyway.