I separate the two.
trump<--------> trump supporters
democratic party<--------> people who may vote democratic
*I apply this across the board.
so I may criticize or attack something trump did,or said.
or the democratic leadership,or republican leadership for that matter.
but I take a more scenic,and less judgemental route when engaging with a person who may support trump,or some particular party.my main goal is to understand WHY a person would support politician A,rather than simply dismiss them outright based on my own subjective assumptions.
let's take your meme.
you take a whole subset of supporters,and paint them as "hillbillies" in a derogatory sense.
my family are trump supporters,and many are farmers.
now they have their reasons for supporting trump,and most I disagree with,but does this mean that they are "hillbillies"?
of course not,and to suggest as much is stupid.
now we can flip the script,and apply the very same metric to those who attack Bernie supporters,as being low information,communists,lazy do-nothing hippies.
same broad strokes,with the same intentions to smear an entire grouping,with the same flimsy logic.
and I think this is all on me.
I have approached this convo with my own presumptions.
I find you smart,sassy and you got some chops.
i.e:not a muppet.
so I had a certain expectation that is actually unfair on my part to impose upon you.
who am I to dictate how you intereact with people based on my own subjective understandings of you..based on comments from you?
this is my bad.
and I apologize.
you do you my friend.i will have to own my own bullshit presumptions.