Uuuh where do I even start. Ok 3 years ago there was this debate on pregant drinking and abortion but at this poing I don’t cares if you are pro life or pro choice.
Ok so here's a diagram for people who say they will not let people dictate their uterus.
\ /
\ Baby /
\ /
\ /
\ /
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You see, technically although the baby is not entirely part of the uterus and the uterus is affected by pregnancy and people should be free on how it is controlled, The baby is still a person with technically genitals and they are a person so it’s not only your genitals but the baby too. Like People say that my wallet is my choice and they should not pay for free health care because your wallet is getting lighter with expensive health care and it is your money not the government's but, sick people health budget is inside your wallet and you should think of their budget since they are poor just like my body my choice make no sense.
But i know in abortion case, It is your choice for it and you should not be dictated because it is stipping freedom.
Some people say it is offensive because they lie sometimes but before the big bang theory, science had another theory but when they knew it was wrong, They did not oppress the people to believe in their beliefs even if they purposely lied.
Some people say that if people could swap genders instantly without loving their “ Priviledged” people could get an abortion at a wallmart but that like saying “ If mandatory school was until 25, we could get a permission slip in any bathrom” And also,, Just like some anti gun people are in in America, pro life people are men and women even the supreme court banned abortio in southern america and the head was a woman and the head of the polish supreme cort was also a woman. And in other countries like non us influence countries like west middle asia and others think that pro life people are not misogynistic. Also people say it is only misogynistic when a man hate abortion but that make no scnece. Like Almorst morst terrorist even hate islam but a small
persentage of the bigger percentage of islamophobia terrorist arre muslims themselves. And many dictators who went against their country were once citizens of the country. So anyone can bigooted to any group even your own group can be biggoted your own group and most pro choicers live in america and others in us influenced countries so I guess