This isn't a discussion. When I bring up arguments, and all you can do is tell me I'm mean - yeah, I win. You sound like a broken record "what about midday?" - there are lots of teenagers available to work midday.
You seem to have ascribed a meaning to the word "minimum" that isn't an intended meaning. Minimum wage places a restriction on the employer, that's it. Nowhere in the legislation is it described as a living wage. Many democrats have tried to give it that definition in order to raise the value - but that has never been part of the law.
Yes, I've gone shopping midday. If I go to the mall, it's a ghost town. There are minimal employees because there is minimal customer traffic. Go on the weekend or evening (when most people are off work), you'll find more minimum wage employees and more higher paid (skilled) managers.
Where those positions are commissioned, you'll find older - more skilled sales people.
Electronics store, anyone making more than minimum wage is on commission. The minimum wage guys are stocking shelves or in the warehouse.
At a gas station, you've got an employee tasked with handling money - a skill. You'll be hard pressed to find someone running a cash register who makes minimum wage.
Janitors make more than minimum wage, because there is skill involved in keeping things clean. That's right - people who clean toilets make more than minimum wage.
You should try being an employer, or a manager responsible for minimum wage employees. It's eye opening. Someone who can't command more than minimum wage is someone who is barely worth hiring. Really, if you can't get more than minimum wage - your only worthwhile skill is to hold down the floor.